Account Security

Account Security

We always strive to keep your account safe, but here are some things you can do to give more protection to your account.

Solid Password

Your Bali Rental Villas account password should be strong and unique. The best practice is to make it completely different from any other account, such as your email, social media, or even your bank. 

So, if one account is compromised, it’s less likely to impact others.

Online Security

Always check for the “https” at the beginning of the URL. It will encrypt your connection which protects the confidentiality of your data.

Some browsers may also display a lock icon next to the URL to indicate that it is safe. You can directly type https://balirental.villas to start as well.

Always check the destination URL before you click any links in an email or chat.

Install a trustworthy antivirus program: Get assistance with identifying, avoiding, and eradicating common viruses—as well as other sorts of cyber threats.

Payment Security

For more detailed information about the payment security, please visit this article.

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